Fishing Totem
This page contains information about the Fishing Totem; how it works, what it does and how to obtain one.
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This page contains information about the Fishing Totem; how it works, what it does and how to obtain one.
Last updated
It is easy to obtain a Fishing Totem. You need to build a multiblock structure and provide a set amount of items. (The items required are consistent across all servers).
16x Dolphin Tail
16x Crab Claw
16x Crab Scale
16x Squid Tentalce
6x Any Platinum Fish
You will require Fishing Level 20 to activate the Totem. You can check this in /fish stats
Once you have the items above, and the required level. You need to build the multiblock structure. You can find a guide in /fish menu or use the picture below as a reference.
Once you have built the Fishing Totem, using a Fishing Rod, hit the bottom observer and it should activate, or give an error messaging depending on what you are missing.
The direction of the stairs do not matter and can face any direction along as they are in the correct place
The Fishing Totem provides many different benefits to the user. However, some of these require Entropy to upgrade and others require a high Fishing Level. I have broken these into three sections:
The Fishing Totem has three main upgrades that cost Entropy. They are listed below. (Note: the cost to upgrade is the previous cost plus a set amount. This amount is listed below). The maximum column is what you can expect if you level up an upgrade to its maximum level.
Initial Cost
Extra Cost
What it does
30 blocks
This extends the radius that you can stand inside to get the buffs.
30 mins
This lowers the initial cooldown from 60 minutes.
Active Time
30 mins
This extends the time the totem buffs are active for.
You can use the formula below to calculate the cost of the next upgrade. I'll add an example, say upgrading radius to level 5.
150,000 + (75,000 * 5) = 525,000 Entropy for the 5th level.
It is recommended to only upgrade radius if you want to have it cover a large area such as a lake. You only need to stand inside of it to get the passive buffs. The fishing bobber does not need to be inside of it.
Passive slots are very important as you need these to activate totem passives. You can have a maximum of 18 passive slots at max level; allowing you to activate a multitude of passives. To obtain a new passive slot, you require either:
Amount Per Level
Platinum Fish
Mythical Fish
Please note that after every level you upgrade, the cost will stack. For example, if you have two passive slots already, the third one will cost either:
3x Mythical Fish
15x Platinum Fish
You cannot mix and match fish, e.g. 1 Mythical and 14 Platinum. They must be of the same type to work.
Passives are separate from upgrades and don't require Entropy to upgrade or use. They instead require different Fishing Levels and passive slots to activate. Below is a list of passives, the required level, passive slot cost and what it does.
For the passive effects to work, you MUST stand inside the green circle. It is perfectly fine to cast your rod outside of this circle, but the player must be inside it.
Passives can be toggled on or off even while the Totem is active, allowing you to hot-swap passives at will. You can only have as many passives active, as you do passive slots at any one time.
What does it do?
Experienced Fisherman
This increases experienced gained from fishing by 1.5x while the totem is active
Little Critters
This increases the drop chance of crab goods whenever you kill a crab in the radius of your totem
Fish Schools
Increases the chance of Hot Spot and Call of the Storm activating by 35%
Random Drops
This gives you a chance to get other fishing loot such as squid tentacles or dolphin tails from killing crabs
Treasure Hunter
This gives you a 1% chance of finding rare items while fishing
Mythical Waters
Whenever you catch a fish this has a 20% chance to upgrade it to a higher rarity
Entropy Hoarder
This increases entropy you get from fishing by 1.25x
Star Fall
Not implemented as of v4.5.5