Crabmas Event
This page contains information regarding the Crabmas Seasonal Event.
When is this Event active?
This Seasonal Event is active between the 21st of December and 9th of January each year.
How do I take part in the Event?
Fish in random biomes until you find, or someone else finds the correct biome.
How does the Event actually work?
The event is pretty simple once you get the hang of it. It is mainly designed as a community style event to get players to explore and fish in different biomes.
Below is a list of steps that you can follow to take part yourself. You can also check information, and progress if someone has found the biome, and how long is left in game by typing /fish events CRABMAS
Check /fish events CRABMAS to see if the biome is still 'Unknown...'
If it has not been found yet, fish in one of the biomes (see Possible Biomes below) until someone finds it.
Once you have decided on a biome to try find a Crabmas, just catch fish in that biome. Depending on your servers player count, it can range from a 1/10 to a 1/100 chance for you to possibly find that the biome is the Crabmas one. (if you reach 60 catches in a biome, it will automatically tell you if it is an incorrect biome. If you do not see this message after 60, keep fishing and it should appear soon after - only applies to v4.9.16 and higher.).
If you do get a broadcast message, you then have a 2% chance to find a regular Crabmas while fishing. (Note: this does not scale with Crab Bait or Crab Lures).
Once you kill a regular Crabmas, it will drop a Crabmas Orb
Right-Click in Air while holding 5 or more Crabmas Orbs to make the next Crabmas you find, be the special boss.
The next Crabmas you will find will be the boss. Kill it to obtain one of the random drops.
Repeat until you have the items you want.
What biomes can Crabmas spawn in?
Below is a list of Biomes a Crabmas can spawn in. If the biome is considered a 'snowy' or 'cold' biome, the duration Crabmas will last increases by 50%.
Birch Forest
Cold Ocean
Dark Forest
Deep Ocean
Flower Forest
Frozen Ocean
Frozen Peaks
Ice Spikes
Lukewarm Ocean
Warm Ocean
These biomes will name-check for you, which means if you fish in a 'Snowy Taiga' and the biome is 'Taiga'. That will still count and you will find it.
What does the Crabmas Boss do?
The Crabmas Boss only spawns once you have used 5 Crabmas Orbs.
If the boss has been alive for more then 10 seconds, it will spawn 20 Electric Eels. If the boss does not die within another 10 seconds, these Eels will explode in a 5 block radius, each dealing 9 damage to nearby players. (This does not destroy blocks, or damage animals. Only players).
You can kill the Electric Eels with any type of damage, apart from explosive damage.
The boss has 300 HP, and is immune to Knockback.
What special items/loot can I earn from the Event?
There are 14 unique drops for the Crabmas Boss. These drops all have equal weight, and are as likely to drop as everything else on this list.
Snowglobe Augment
Hotspot Augment
Entropy Crystal x1
Crab Lure
Platinum Lure
Mythical Lure
Crab Claw
Crab Scale
Dolphin Tail
Squid Tentacle
Frostshell Charm (Unactivated)
Below are some questions that may be asked during the event.
How long does a Crabmas last in a biome?
Crabmas will last 90 minutes from when the initial broadcast message is sent. If it is considered a 'cold' or 'snowy' biome, it will last for 120 minutes.
Can I find the new biome as soon as the current one ends?
No. There is a 30 minute cooldown period after the biome ends until people can start finding the new one.
Can I increase the chance to get Snowglobe?
Yes! If you're lucky and get a Frostshell Charm, and activate it with 500,000 entropy. Holding it in your off-hand will double your chances of one dropping from the boss.
Do I lose the Crabmas Boss guarantee spawn chance if I log out?
No. You will only lose the guarantee once you have spawned it, or the server restarts. (Note: /fish reload does not cause this to reset).
How do I check to see if the biome has been found?
You can check the current status of the biome, and the time left with /fish events CRABMAS
Last updated