
This page has all of the information related to configuring the fish.yml file.

Below are all of the possible options you can add to fish. Please note, you do not need to add all of these to a fish to make them work. These are option configuration options.

Do NOT change the tier key names i.e. 'Diamond' in the fish.yml. If you want to rename the fish tiers - you can change them in the `messages.yml' file by searching for 'TierNames'.

Minimum Configuration Settings

These are the minimum required configuration options for a fish to function.

Name: 'Example Name'
Description: My example description # This can also be a list as of v4.9.6

Default Configuration Settings

The below settings can be modified, added or removed without the need of any external resources and or plugins.

Custom Model Data / Material

To add a texture to a fish, you must ensure that you have a resource pack on with a valid texture linked to an item. From there - set the material and Custom Model Data number to whatever the texture is using. The example below sets the fish to have a Custom Model Data of 11 using COD as the Material.

  Use: true
  Number: 11
Material: COD

Make sure to set Use to true for it to register.

Head Texture

To use a head texture, you require Version 4.6.4 or higher. You also need a Skull texture. You can find these from sites such as https://minecraft-heads.com/ and then using the very bottom value.

After finding your texture, use the following format:

Material: PLAYER_HEAD:<texture>

Material: PLAYER_HEAD:a9035b0c6049daf764d5bdb8207ca439291f8f4257711eeb3b45e10147e5e845


To make your fish appear enchanted, use the glowing tag below.

Glowing: true

Custom Commands

There are three different options when it comes to adding commands to fish. Below are the three options:

To add a command to the catch section, add your command to the below section.

Commands support chances to run specific commands, using <chance:number>

You can "chain" commands by using a comma after the first command. Chained commands will execute together, meaning you can stack commands on a chance being met.

- 'your command here'
- '<chance:25>rare command here'
- '<chance:50>rare command here,chained command here'

All fish have separate sections for catch, eating and selling commands. Ensure you add them to all the fish you want if you wish to have different fish with the same commands.


  • %player% - The players name.

  • %fish% - The fish name.

All of these command lists support PlaceholderAPI placeholders if you have it installed.

Disable Physical Fish Itemstack

To stop the fish itemstack from being dropped when it is caught, set the following to true.

DisableGivingFishItem: false

Time Cycle

To make your fish only catchable during day or night, use the below setting.

   Enabled: false
   SpawnDuringDay: false

Weather Cycle

To make your fish only catchable during sun or rain, use the below setting.

   Enabled: false
   SpawnDuringRain: false

Y-Level Specific

To make your fish only catchable at specific Y Levels in the world, use the below setting. Fishing between these two values will be considered 'catchable'.

  Enabled: false
  Lower: 20
  Upper: 80

World Guard Regions

To setup custom world guard regions to allow players to only catch custom fish in certain regions, use the below setting.

  Enabled: false
  - ''

Ensure you have WorldGuard installed.

World Specific

To make your fish only catchable in specific worlds, use the below setting.

  Enabled: false
  - ''

Custom Eating Stats

To configure various settings for eating fish, use the below settings.

EatingHunger: 5 #Replace '5' with how much you want.

Disable Selling

To make it so your players cannot sell a specific fish, add the below setting.

isSellable: false

Setting this to false, will also make SellCommands not execute.

Sell Price Override

To make your fish have a unique sell price or amount. Use the below setting.

  Enabled: false
  Price: 1000

Modifying this will cause Solar Rage and Scaling to react to this new price, potentionally have adverse affects on your servers economy.

API Dependent Configuration Settings

The below features require extra plugin(s) to be installed on your server for these to work.

Realistic Seasons (v4.7.9 and higher)

To make a fish only catchable during a specific season, use the below configuration setting:

RealisticSeasons: WINTER 

//Replace 'WINTER' with the ENUM season of your choice.

Advanced Seasons (v4.9.12 and higher)

To make a fish only catchable during a specific season, use the below configuration setting:

AdvancedSeasons: WINTER 

//Replace 'WINTER' with the String season of your choice.

Last updated