
Everything to do with the bait.yml file.

This page is subject to change with update 4.7 due to two new major configuration options being added.

What is bait?

Bait is a new feature to PyroFishingPro with update 4.6. Bait can be purchased from the in-game bait store, accessible through the main fishing menu, or by using /fish bait.

Note: Not all baits will appear in the shop unless you set the isShopitem: false option to true.

Bait is currently only used as a 'key' to catch a specific fish. This means that if a fish requires bait, the only way to catch that fish is by using that bait.

In a future update you will be able to modify this further and set a boost for a specific tier of fish, or a specific fish. This page will be updated once that has been released.

Until then, bait will act as a 'key' to catch a specific fish.

How do I create a new bait?

Creating bait is simple. Just copy the example and change the primary key. i.e. from "example_bait" to "my_new_bait_1".

I will explain each configuration option below.

  #This can be anything, but this will be used to spawn it in. i.e /fish givebait example_bait <player> <amount>
  #This is the 'primary key'
    #If this bait should be enabled
    enabled: true
    #Everything to do with the actual item
      name: '&aExample Bait'
      material: IRON_NUGGET
      model_data: 0
      glowing: false
      - '&7Use this &aExample Bait &7to catch'
      - '&7new types of fish!'
      - ''
      - '&7This bait has &a%uses%&7 uses.'
      - ''
      - '&7Drag and drop onto your fishing rod to use.'
    #How many uses this bait has
    uses: 50

    #Everything to do with the bait being in the shop.
      #If the item should appear in the shop.
      #If this is kept as false. Use /fish giveitem example_bait to obtain this.
      isShopItem: false
      #The permission to buy this bait. Leave empty for no permission.
      permission: ''

      #The cost to purchase this bait in money.
      cost: 10000
      #If buying should require a minimum fishing level
      minimumFishingLevel: 10

    #What fish should this bait allow you to catch?
    #The format here is the '<TIER:FISH_NUMBER>
    #You can find the fish number by looking in the fish.yml
    - 'BRONZE:4'


Some frequently asked questions regarding bait.

My bait isn't appearing in the bait store, why?

You most likely have the isShopItem: false option still set to false. Set this to true.

Can multiple baits catch the same fish?

Yes. You can assign a fish to multiple different baits at the same time.

How do I add a new fish to my bait?

Follow the instructions at the bottom of the bait.yml example above. Ensure that the fish number exists. You can do this by looking in the fish.yml and seeing the highest number in that tier. (usually at the bottom).

How do I give myself bait if it is not in the shop?

Use /fish giveitem <bait_name> <player> <amount>

Last updated